Tattoo Aftercare

1. Remove the bandage in 3 to 4 hours. DO NOT REBANDAGE!


2.Wash your tattoo frequently with antibacterial soap and hot water. Blot it dry with a clean towel. DO NOT USE ANYTHING ABRASIVE! Your fingertips work best. Clean it this way 3 to 4 times a day.


3. Do not soak your new tattoo in salt, clorinated or fresh water for at least 3 weeks. Your new tattoo must be fully healed before you can go swimming or use a hot tub.


4. Apply either Lubriderm, Curel or a similar neutral, fragrance free, aloe free lotion to the tattoo throughout the day with FRESHLY WASHED HANDS. A little bit goes a long way!  DO NOT OVER MOISTURIZE. Too much lotion can damage a healing tattoo!


5. DO NOT EXPOSE YOUR NEW TATTOO TO DIRECT SUNLIGHT FOR 3 WEEKS!!! THIS INCLUDES TANNING BEDS! After it is healed, avoid sun contact on your tattoo to prevent color fading and line clarity. If sun cannot be avoided apply a good sunblock (30 spf or better) to the tattoo.


6. During the healing process, a new tattoo will peal slightly and itch like a sunburn. THIS IS NORMAL! DO NOT PICK OR SCRATCH! Leave it alone and let it heal.


If you have any further questions or concerns about your new tattoo contact us @ 651-340-7348